
Parent & Coach Communication Procedure
Parent/Coach Relationship Both parenting and coaching are extremely difficult vocations. By establishing and understanding of each position, we are better able to accept the actions of each other and provide a greater benefit to children. When your children become involved in our program, as parents you have a right to understand what expectations are placed on you your child. This begins with clear communication from the coach describing your child’s program. Communication You Should Expect From Your Child’s Coach · Philosophy of coach · Expectations the coach has for your child · Locations and times of all practices and contests · Team requirements, i.e. fees, special equipment, etc. · Discipline that results in the denial of your child’s participation Communication Coaches Expect From Parents · Concerns exp
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B.E.A. Injury Policy
Bald Eagle Area School District: Injury Policy The Bald Eagle Area School District Licensed Athletic Training Staff, along with its sports medicine team members, strive to protect and return injured student-athletes to practice and competition as quickly and safely as possible. The licensed athletic training staff possesses the knowledge and skills in providing injury recognition, injury prevention, emergency care, evaluation and assessment, immediate care, treatment, rehabilitation, and reconditioning for student athletes. Sports participation in athletics involves an inherent risk for injury and the student-athlete and coaching staff must share in the responsibility of injury management and prevention through: Following safety protocols Communicating and reporting injuries to the licensed athletic training staff in a timely and efficient manner. Any Student-Athlete participating and individuals Coaching school sponsored activities must adhere to this P
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B.E.A. Code of Conduct
STUDENTS PARTICIPATING IN THE ATHLETIC PROGRAM I. Athletic activities are an extension of the educational experience that a school may choose to offer. Therefore, participation is voluntary and is a privilege. Those who choose or are chosen, as a matter of due process, must be aware of the Code of Conduct for the Bald Eagle Area School District athletic programs and each participant is expected to operate within the framework of these rules and regulations. II. The following conduct shall constitute grounds for exclusion from practices and participation in interscholastic competition during that particular season when such occurs on or off school property. A. The use of violence, force, coercion, threat, intimidation, or similar conduct in a manner that
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Baseline Concussion Testing Information
To start baseline concussion testing using Concussion Vital signs: Go to: www.Concussionvitalsigns.com Go to Athlete Testing as indicated below The User Name is: Bea Athletics The Password is: Eaglesflyas1* All Baseline testing wil be done by all athletes if possible from home this year Follow the directions as outlined below and sign out after it is complete Make sure the test is for Baseline and not Post Concussion testing The test takes approximately 45 Min to complete Please complete your baseline testing prior to August 17th, 2020
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B.E.A. Concussion Policy
Bald Eagle Area School District: Concussion Management Plan XI. Bald Eagle Area School District Concussion Management Plan In accordance with recommendations by Law in the State of Pennsylvania, in accordance with Senate Bill 200(SB 200), also known as “Safety in Youth Sports Act, the Bald Eagle Area School District has adopted a policy for its student-athletes participating in interscholastic athletics. The Safety in Youth Sports Act, Pennsylvania Senate Bill 200, (Section 1) Establishes standards in the state of Pennsylvania for managing concussions and traumatic brain injuries to student-athletes. This policy also includes students involved in an athletic contest or competition that is sponsored by, or associated with the Bald Eagle Area School District, including cheerleading, club sponsored sports activities, and sports activities sponsored by the school district’s affiliated organizations. This includes practices, interschool practices, and scrimmages as
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Planet HS Directions
Athletic Pre-Participation Forms Getting Started Guide (Parent & Student) Your school has elected to collect pre-participation forms online through. Follow the steps below to complete pre-participation registration: 1. Create Accounts ● Both a parent and student are required to create separate accounts. Each account must have a unique email or mobile #. ● Go to www.planeths.com ● If your school has provided their Quick Account Code, TEXT the code to 69274 to create your parent & student account. *Creation of accounts can be done on all devices with a connection: Computers, Smart Phones, Tablets, iPads, etc. ● Home School selection- this is the school that you/your student attends/studies. Do NOT select the school district in which your
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Planet HS Parent-Student Kick-off Letter
Dear Parent/ Guardian, The Athletic Department at Bald Eagle Area School District now hosts their Pre-Participation Athletic Forms online with PlanetHS. This digital platform will allow you, and your student(s), to complete and access athletic forms via computer, tablet, or mobile phone. It is HIPAA, COPPA and FERPA compliant. A link to the privacy policy is located at the bottom of the Sign in page at www.planeths.com. Parent and student must create separate accounts, using different emails and/or mobile numbers. Important: Students must be sure to create accounts using accurate information, including their Official Name from school registration, DOB, high school graduation year and school. You can click SELF HELP on the right of the screen for walkthroughs of the account creation, account linking, and athletic forms functionality. STEP 1. Go to www.planeths.com and click on the yellow login button in the top right of the screen. Once
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