Bald Eagle Area Jr Sr High School

Bald Eagle Area Jr Sr High School

Bald Eagle Area Jr Sr High School

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B.E.A. Injury Policy
B.E.A. Injury Policy
Updated on 07/30/2024

Bald Eagle Area School District: Injury Policy

The Bald Eagle Area School District Licensed Athletic Training Staff, along with its sports medicine team members, strive to protect and return injured student-athletes to practice and competition as quickly and safely as possible.

The licensed athletic training staff possesses the knowledge and skills in providing injury recognition, injury prevention, emergency care, evaluation and assessment, immediate care, treatment, rehabilitation, and reconditioning for student athletes.

Sports participation in athletics involves an inherent risk for injury and the student-athlete and coaching staff must share in the responsibility of injury management and prevention through:

  1. Following safety protocols
  2. Communicating and reporting injuries to the licensed athletic training staff in a timely and efficient manner. 
  • Any Student-Athlete participating and individuals Coaching school sponsored activities must adhere to this Policy

Student-Athletes injured in Practice, Competition, Other Activity

  1. All injuries occurring during Bald Eagle Area sponsored activities, practice, home and away events, and other activities must be reported immediately to the Licensed Athletic Trainer(s) at the Bald Eagle Area School District. The student-athlete must be evaluated by the licensed athletic training staff prior to returning to practice or competition.


  1. Following the evaluation for an injury, medical referrals for further recommendation and evaluation by a licensed physician will be made when deemed necessary. Follow up re-evaluations will be performed the following practice or event day to determine the level or ability of the student-athlete’s participation and or the need for that individual to seek further medical attention for that injury. The BEA LAT staff can assist you in making a physician appointment if needed as outlined in the policies and procedures manual.

An injured athlete, deemed to be ineligible for participation in practice and or competition per the BEA Licensed Athletic Training Staff or attending physician:

      1. Will not dress in uniform or participate in any way for any competition or event.
      2.  Will not suit up for practice or workouts

They may not return to these activities in ay shape or form, unless authorized to do so by the Licensed Athletic Training staff and/or attending physician.  

  1. All Injuries occurring at away events- (Games/Matches/Meets/Tournaments/Competitions)

Must be reported within 24 hours of that away athletic event. It is the Head coach’s responsibility to contact the licensed athletic training staff within that period of time, via phone call, text, or email regarding that injury. The student-athlete will refrain from participating in practice or competition until after they have been evaluated and cleared to return to participation by the Bald Eagle Area LAT Staff. This is necessary to reduce the risk of further injury and liability for the LAT staff, coaching staff, and the district.                                                                                                             

  1.  In the Event of a medical emergency from an injury occurring at away events- (Games/Matches/Meets/Tournaments/Competitions)

The student-athlete should seek immediate medical attention and report that information regarding the injury within 24 hours of that away athletic event to the BEA LAT Staff. It is the Head coach’s responsibility to contact the licensed athletic training staff within that period of time, via phone call, text, or email regarding that injury. The student-athlete will refrain from participating in practice or competition until after they have been evaluated and cleared to return to participation by the Bald Eagle Area LAT Staff along with written clearance for return to play by their attending physician. This is necessary to reduce the risk of further injury and liability for the LAT staff, coaching staff, and the district.


  1. In participating in an away event, if an injury has been determined to not be of a serious nature and did not require immediate medical attention, you may contact a member of the BEA LAT staff via phone call, text, or email to make arrangements to have the student-athlete evaluated in the clinic at Drayer Physical Therapy in the morning or at the athletic training room on that day.


  1. Failure to report injuries delays proper referral to a physician. Failure to report also delays the proper return of the athlete to participation, delay proper treatment of the injury or condition, and inconveniences the parents and athletes .Failure to report also creates liability for the school district, its employees, the licensed athletic trainer(s), and the coaching staff. Failure to report Head Injuries, sustained by a student-athlete in practice or competition, is in direct violation of SB 200 known as the Safety in Youth Sports Act. This law makes certain requirements of Pennsylvania Schools and the personnel who supervise the student-athletes who represent these schools, as well as the medical personnel who support them when there is an injury.

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