Bald Eagle Area Jr Sr High School

Bald Eagle Area Jr Sr High School

Bald Eagle Area Jr Sr High School


Bald Eagle Area Jr Sr High School

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B.E.A. Code of Conduct

Updated on 05/01/2024






I.          Athletic activities are an extension of the educational experience that a school may choose to offer.  Therefore, participation is voluntary and is a privilege.  Those who choose or are chosen, as a matter of due process, must be aware of the Code of Conduct for the Bald Eagle Area School District athletic programs and each participant is expected to operate within the framework of these rules and regulations.


II.         The following conduct shall constitute grounds for exclusion from practices and

participation in interscholastic competition during that particular season when such

occurs on or off school property.


A.        The use of violence, force, coercion, threat, intimidation, or similar

conduct in a manner that constitutes a substantial interference with school



B.         Willfully causing or attempting to cause damage to school property, stealing or attempting to steal private or school property.


C.         Causing or attempting to cause physical injury to a school employee or to any students.  Physical injury caused by accident, self-defense, or other action undertaken on the reasonable belief it was necessary to protect some other person shall not constitute a violation of this clause.


D.        Threatening or intimidating a student for the purpose of, or with the intent of, obtaining money or anything of value from such student.


E.         Carrying dangerous weapons including, but not limited to, firearms, knives, razors, slingshots, metal knuckles or dangerous instruments within the confines of a school building or on school property or outside school premises in the course of a school sponsored activity and/or explosives including, but not limited to, fireworks within the confines of a school building or on school property or outside the school premises in the course of a school sponsored activity.


F.         Any violation of the Bald Eagle Area School District Drug Awareness Policy:


The policy of the Bald Eagle School District prohibits any student to possess, use, sell, deliver, or to give to another person, or to have consumed any narcotic, dangerous drug, marijuana, alcoholic beverage, or any pill, capsule powder, liquid, inhalant, facsimile, drug paraphernalia, or other substance of whatever form or texture, which may adversely affect the health, safety, or welfare of any student, including but not limited to stimulants or depressants, during school or after school hours and on or off school property.  This policy also covers attending any underage parties where any of the above-mentioned items are present even if there is no use of the above mentioned items.  Any student who violates the above Bald Eagle Area District Policy and/or state policy shall be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the procedures in the Student Handbook and/or the Athletic Handbook.


G.        The carrying, smoking or use of tobacco in school buildings, on buses, in

bus loading areas, on school owned/leased property or in the course of any school sponsored activity.


H.        The use of anabolic steroids, except for a valid medical purpose, by any pupil involved in school-related athletics.  Bodybuilding, muscle enhancement, increasing muscle bulk or strength or the enhancement of athletic ability are not valid medical purposes.  Use of anabolic steroids shall be addressed specifically in Article V.


I.          Use of prescription or non-prescription medications in violation of the

Bald Eagle Area School District Policy on medication.


J.          Continual abusive language, or obscene gestures, or willful indecent exposure.


K.        All other reasonable rules or regulations adopted by the coach shall be

followed.  All student athletes will be notified of such rules along with the

“Code of Conduct” from the Athletic Handbook in writing.  A copy of the

coach’s rules and regulations along with a copy of the “Code of Conduct”

will be presented to the student athletes and their parents/guardians.  The

parents/guardians and the student athletes will be required to sign an

acknowledgement form.  The signed acknowledgement form will be kept

on file in the athletic office.  Student athletes shall not be permitted to

practice of compete for an athletic team until this signed document is on

file.  The Athletic Director and Principal must approve the coach’s

rules and regulations before being presented to the participants and

their parents/guardians.  A copy will be kept on file in the athletic





III.       The consequences are as follows for Violations of Section II items F and G:




  1. At the discretion of the varsity head coach, the first offense of any of these items may result in the student athlete being suspended from participation (competition) for a period of fifty percent (50%) of the contests based on the regular season of that activity.  If there is not fifty percent (50%) of that season remaining, the percentage of the suspension not served shall be recalculated and applied towards the next season or activity in which the student participates.  Additionally, the student must participate in the BEST program.  The student may be required to participate in drug/ alcohol program with a certified drug and alcohol instructor.  Failure to comply with the instructor’s recommendations could result in a dismissal from the activity.  The varsity head coach may also use his discretion to remove a player from his team.  In all cases the parents/guardian will be notified with due process provided.



B.         The second offense of any of these items will result in the student athlete

being suspended from participation (competition) for a period of fifty

percent (50%) of the contests based on the regular season of the activity.  If there is not fifty percent (50%) of that reason remaining, the percentage of the suspension not served shall be recalculated and applied toward the next season or activity in which the student participates.  The student will be required to participate in a drug/alcohol program with a certified drug and alcohol instructor.  Failure to comply with the instructor’s recommendations could result in a dismissal from the activity.  The varsity head coach may also use his/her discretion to remove the athlete from his/her team.  In all cases the parents/guardian will be notified with due process provided.


C.         The third offense of these items would result in the student athlete being suspended from participation, practice, and competition in all athletics for one (1) calendar year from the date of the last offense.  The student must also participate in the BEST program and in a drug/alcohol program with a certified drug and alcohol instructor the same as after the second offense. In all cases the parents/guardian will be notified with due process provided.


D.        The fourth offense of these items will result in the student athlete being barred from all athletic participation, practice, and competition for a period of two (2) years in the Bald Eagle Area School District.  In all cases the parents/guardian will be notified with due process provided.


IV.       Any student who is assigned to serve detention will be ineligible to participate in any athletic or extracurricular activities on the day of the detention. Any student who receives a suspension (of any type) will be ineligible to play or practice in any scheduled athletic or extracurricular activities for the timeframe reflected in the punishment. In the case of suspension from school, the student will not be permitted to attend any district event until the expiration of the suspension.



Understanding the Appeal Process:


The appeal process is a process in which allows a person to appeal the action being taken against his/her.  The most important item of the appeal process is making sure that you follow the correct steps in your appeal process.  Most appeals should be settled at the lowest possible step in the appeal process if possible.  The following is a flow chart to follow beginning with the student athlete.  If you are not a student athlete, go to the next step in the appeal process.  Please see that you meet with these people in order to try and resolve any issues before going to the next person in the appeal process.  By following this order you will insure that each person has the opportunity to resolve the issue at hand at the lowest possible point in the appeal process.


                        Varsity Head Coach

                        Athletic Director



                        Board of School Directors


V.        In case of alleged infraction of the rules and regulations, the participant may be suspended from practices and participation in interscholastic competition.  In these cases, the due process procedures will be followed.


A.        If an alleged infraction/violation occurs, the coach should notify the Athletic Director and/or Principal (in absence of the Athletic Director) and conduct a prompt and thorough investigation of the alleged conduct or violation and determine if a suspension is necessary.


B.         If after the above investigation, a determination is made to suspend the participant, the suspension shall take place immediately.  The varsity head coach shall give written notice to the athlete, stating the reasons for the suspension to the participant and the athlete’s parents/guardian and the Athletic Director.  The Athletic Director will notify the Principal of the suspension.  If logistically possible, after a period of one calendar week, an athlete must be reinstated or removed from the team.  At this time, the varsity head coach should notify both the Athletic Director and the student’s parents/guardian of his action to remove or return the athlete from the team.


C.         If the varsity head coach feels the action warrants removal from the team, he/she will meet with the Principal and Athletic Director to review the reasons for the recommended removal.  During this period of time, the student shall continue to be suspended from practices and competition.

Before, any removal shall take effect, the participant and his parents/ guardians shall be given written notice of the charges and recommended action.  The parents/guardian and student will be afforded the opportunity to request meeting with the Athletic Director.  The request for a meeting with the Athletic Director must be made within five (5) days after receiving the written notification of the removal.


D.        If the Athletic Director’s decision is not satisfactory to the participant and

the parents/guardian, a meeting may be requested before the Principal.  The Principal, after being notified that a meeting has been requested with him/her, will notify the student, the student’s parents/guardian, and the head coach of the time and date of the meeting.


E.         If the Principal’s decision is not satisfactory to the participant and the parents/guardian, a meeting request may be sent to the Superintendent of Schools.  A meeting shall be held within ten days of the request and a notice of the time and place of the meeting will be given to the student, the parents/guardian, and the appropriate staff members within five days of receiving the request.


F.         If the Superintendent’s decision is not satisfactory, a participant and the parents/guardian may request to meet with the School Board.


G.        Once the removal process has been initiated, the athlete will not be permitted any participation in that sport unless the recommendation for removal is revised at some level.


VI.       Consequences for use of Anabolic Steroids.


Athletes caught using anabolic steroids will incur the following disciplinary action under state regulations:


 1st violation – Suspension from athletics for the remainder of the season.

2nd violation – Suspension from school athletics for the remainder of the

                        season and for the following season.

3rd violation – Permanent suspension from school athletics.





In order to be eligible to participate in any interscholastic contest, a pupil must be enrolled in a district secondary school or a charter school.



Extracurricular Participation


Any secondary student who reports to school after 9:48 a.m. may not take part in any assemblies, field trips, athletic events, athletic, or activity practices without a doctor’s excuse.  The only exception to this rule would be for attendance at the funeral of a family member, or; if he/she presents a doctor’s excuse, or; a pre-approved absence.



PIAA: Article III, Section 2.


A pupil who has been absent from school during a semester for a total of twenty or more school days is not eligible to participate in any athletic contest until he or she has been i

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